
FMS:Workplace - Workplace Management Solutions

FMS:Workplace is a modular, flexible, easy-to use Integrated Workplace Management Solution (IWMS) that enables organizations to manage, analyze and report on facilities and real estate operation and maintenance (O&M) information.

Core Modules

All implementations of our The FM:Interact Workplace Management Suite include our Space and Asset Management core modules.

Space Management

Designed to give facility professionals, department liaisons and executive management complete visibility into space and occupancy.


Bring environmental and financial balance to your facilities. Manage critical information on energy performance or water usage, as well as sustainability projects such as energy retrofits

Additional Modules & Functionality

Move Management

Whether you’re moving just one person, co-locating a cross functional group or reorganizing an entire location, our Move Management solution enables you to reduce move costs and deliver better service to your entire organization.

Maintenance Management

A comprehensive facility management platform drives the performance of the built environment, reduces facility downtime, improves operational efficiency, delivers cost savings and extends the lifecycle of company assets.

Strategic Scenario Planning

Align your space portfolio with the business requirements of your organization with strategic scenario planning. With FM:Systems’ workplace solutions you can visualize what your space and occupancy might look like years into the future.

Real Estate Management

Modern, cloud-based facility portfolio management software empowers better, smarter enterprise-wide facility management. For business executives and facility managers alike, it’s important to know what your facility portfolio looks like and how it is being used. Your facility portfolio is twofold: it includes managing both owned and leased real estate as well as all of your real estate assets including buildings, land, parking lots, decks, etc.

Asset Management

Your organization’s assets make up a large and costly financial investment. Do you have the tools to track them effectively? FM:Systems Asset Management solution allows you to accurately maintain asset counts across your entire portfolio.

Project Management

From initial request and approval, through planning due dates and construction phases, to project approval and closeout, you’ll know where your project is at every step of the way.

Desk Booking & Reservation Software

FM:Systems’ desk booking and reservation software helps you manage your workspace more efficiently. Streamline your workspace management and create a fluid workplace experience for a mobile and distributed workforce while creating a safe and productive workplace.

Advanced Spatial technologies delivers fully web, open systems that can be configured and/or tailored to exact client requirements. ASt assists with developing of requirements, documentation and development of the solution configuration to meet your exact business requirements. Contact ASt for a no cost demonstration

Advanced Spatial technologies

Products & Partners

ASt Solutions work with the industry leading software and hardware technologies.